We took a little “mental health” day on the blog last week and skipped over our new installment on the Learning Analytics blog, “5 Tutoring Blog Articles to End Your Week.”

Instead we put the finishing touches on our newest and greatest e-book “ACT vs SAT: Which Test Should You Choose?” If you haven’t downloaded it already, I heartily recommend you take a gander at this free 20-page guide because it includes lots of great tips on how to go about selecting which test for your student.

However, now that the e-book is launched, I’m happy to resume sharing the 5 Tutoring Blog Articles that caught my eye this week.

Answering College Questions

by Lynn O’ Shaughnessy, The College Solution

Though Lynn O’ Shaughnessy isn’t a tutor by trade, but she is a nationally recognized college expert (and blogger!) who can provide some serious insights to tutors, parents and students. On her blog, she answers some tough Q&As on college issues from a financial advisory firm in St. Louis. I believe tutors, especially those of you who do a lot of SAT and ACT prep, can glean some meaningful takeaways from the interview including some useful facts to share with parents and students on paying for college and the truth about college rankings.

One Down – More to Go?

by Danielle DeRise, Champion Tutoring Blog

Ah, the SAT Subject test, many of us in the older generation never had to take one, but the added pressure of having to study for yet another test makes a lot of high school students jittery. Fortunately, Danielle DeRise took to her blog to help give some guidance to students who are preparing to take their SAT subject test. In the post, she goes over how a student should choose which subject test to take. She also explains how a remarkable SAT II score, taken along side a student’s admission essay, GPA and SAT I scores, can really make an impression in a competitive school.Online Gambling

How Getting the Wrong Answer Can Improve Your Score

by Revolution Prep, Test Prep Success

The helpful tutors over at Revolution Prep share a clever way to help students avoid incorrect answers on the SAT and ACT math section. The method is to think like the test maker and determine how they came up with the wrong/incorrect multiple choice answers. After all, the test maker’s goal is to come up with plausible incorrect outcomes for you to select from, why not use this technical to reverse engineer the questions that you’re just not that sure of? Definitely a clever exercise to use with students who may not be confident in their answers in math.

The Myth of the Careless Error

by Jed Appelrouth, Appelrouth Tutoring Blog

Are your students just making “careless” mistakes or are those mistakes telling you something more is happening? Jed Appelrouth of Appelrouth Tutoring describes the case of a particular student who kept making the same mistakes at home as she did in his sessions. What some younger and less experienced tutors may have written of as “carelessness” he properly deduced to be the result of a “processing” error – or mental gap that the student didn’t even realize she was missing.

In this helpful blog article, Jed Appelrouth describes how he was able to work with the student to help her understand and solve her “carelessness” by identifying the problem then fix those mental procedures and protocols that were causing her to lose 60 points on the SAT.

To Do List for the End of the School Year

by Andy Hemmerick, Hammer Prep Blog

This quick “hit list for highschool students” features links to some of Hammer Tutorings most helpful content for students. Tutors can easily glean a few takeaways from this, such as a clever way to feature their content on their blog and also, some tips on how students should approach the end of the school year.

featured photo by m00by

SAT vs ACT: Choosing the Right Test [NEW EBOOK]

Download this free 20-Page Ebook for Tutors Now!

Our free 20-page ebook is a step-by-step guide on how to select the right test for your student. Learn everything you need to know about using the PLAN and PSAT to improve student scores, how to leverage learning analytics to select one test over the other, and other tips on how to take the guesswork out of selecting the ACT vs the SAT.