SATs are not tests of academic excellence, intelligence, or aptitude. It only tests you on some Math and English topics that cover in high school. The SAT is a standardized test that assesses a student’s skills in four core areas: Reading, Writing & Language, Math, and Essay (optional).
What’s on the SAT:
The SAT contains 4 sections:
- Reading
- Writing & Language
- Math (No Calculator & Calculator Sections)
- Essay
The SAT format includes 154 multiple-choice questions.
SAT Exam Details

The SAT Reading includes?
All questions on SAT Reading are based on passages. The SAT Reading section contains five passages with 52 multiple-choice questions, which means there will be about 10-12 questions for each passage. At least one of the passages will have graphics, such as tables, graphs, and charts accompanying it. Each passage, or passage pair set, will be at about 500 to 750 words.
There will be at least one passage from each of the following topics:
- U.S. or world literature
- U.S. founding document or a text inspired by one
- Social science (such as economics, psychology, sociology, etc.)
- Science (Earth science, biology, chemistry, or physics)
Section 1-Reading: Skills Tested
- Command of Evidence (10 Questions)
- Words in Context (10 Questions)
- Analysis in History/Social Science and Science (32 Questions)
The SAT Writing and Language includes?
There will be four passages and a total of 44 questions, which means each passage will be followed by 11 questions. Passages will cover either Career, Social Studies, Humanities, or Science:
- Major professional fields, such as medicine, technology, or business.
- Topics from history, anthropology, psychology, political science, or sociology.
- Humanities trends in literature, drama, art, music, or dance.
- Science passages will focus on Earth science, biology, chemistry, or physics.
Section 2- Writing & Language: Skills Tested
- Expression of Ideas (24 questions)
- Standard English Conventions (20 questions)
The SAT Math includes?
SAT Math consists of two sections. The first, during which you will have no calculator, is 25 minutes and consists of 15 multiple-choice questions and 5 grid-in questions. The second section, during which a calculator is allowed, is 55 minutes and has 30 multiple-choice questions and 8 grid-ins, including an Extended Thinking question.
Section 3- Math: Skills Tested
- Problem Solving and Data Analysis (17 questions)
- Passport to Advanced Math (16 questions)
- Additional Topics in Math (6 questions)
- Heart of Algebra (19 questions)
The SAT Essay includes?
The SAT Essay is the only optional section of the exam. You’ll be given a passage by an author who has taken a stance on a particular issue, and further you’ll need to analyze how the author builds her argument, what the strengths and weaknesses of the argument are, and how the argument improves. You won’t be taking your own stance on the issue moreover.
Section 4- Essay: Skills Tested
- The first major skill you are graded on for the essay is your ability to analyze an argument and;
- Secondly understand how evidence and rhetorical devices contribute to an argument.
- While you’ll want your essay to be clear and easy to understand, a few minor spelling and grammar errors won’t lose you points, so you don’t have to worry about your essay being technically perfect.
You can also Score the SAT Practice test and get a detailed diagnostic report by using the Socrato online bubble sheet grading platform.
For any details, information downloads the e-book. You can get the Diagnostic Report.