During the global pandemic COVID-19, ACT testing will be held on Saturday, 13 June 2020. And you’re determined to ace this test! Whether you’re looking for last-minute tips, advice on how to prepare the day of the test or test-taking strategies to maximize your scores.

  • Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, every test center will be following CDC-recommended guidelines for social distancing. 
  • Examinees are encouraged to bring their own mask, personal hand sanitizer, and other PPE because no personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided by the test center.
  • Requiring health screenings and wellness checks on both testing staff and examinees on test day. 
  • If you don’t feel well on the test day, please stay home! You can change the test date without any fee on Monday after test day.

Source: https://www.act.org/content/act/en/covid-19.html

Good Luck!!

Maintain Social Distancing, Be Safe, and Save Lives.

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