Amid novel Corona Virus Deceases (COVID-19) global pandemic the next SSAT will be held on April 10, 2021. If your kid is interested in attending an independent school, they will likely need to take the Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT exam) in order to apply. We have the material you need on what not to do on the SSAT exam.

Students & Tutors

  • Do you want to check the expected score?
  • Take full test from SSAT official study guide and grade the test and get instant diagnostic report.
  • Check out Socrato online grading and Report.
  • For some quick smart strategy download – free e-book.

To learn more about SSAT visit:

If you would like to take the SSAT April 10th test, you can still register.

Maintain Social Distancing, Be Safe, and Save Lives.

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