The Math PSAT assesses your math fluency, conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts, and your ability to apply your knowledge towards solving problems. But with the right tools and proper preparation, anyone can achieve a score that’s a true reflection of their ability. From study groups to tutors to free online resources, there are many ways to prepare for the PSAT.

What to Expect in PSAT MATH: No calculator?

The PSAT Math- No-Calculator section constitutes 36% of the total PSAT Math score and tests a student proficiency in Math 17 questions in 25 minutes based on the following topics:

Heart of AlgebraLinear Equation and Inequalities, Polynomials & Factoring, Linear Functions and Functions Notation, etc.Cover 26%
Additional Topics  Area & Volume, Geometrical relationships, Lines, Angles, Triangles, Polygons and Circles, Circle Equation and Graph, Complex Numbers, Trigonometric Functions and Graphs.  Cover 3%
Passport to Advanced Math  Zeros, Factors, and Graph of Polynomials, Radical, Exponential and Fractional Equations, Quadratic Equations and Parabola, Vertex form, Nonlinear System of Equations, etc.Cover 19%
Problem Solving and Data Analysis  Ratio, Proportions, Percentages, Rates, Analyzing Data using graphs and Scatterplots, Two-way tables, Statistical Measures.  Cover 52%

What to Expect in PSAT MATH: With Calculator?

The PSAT Math calculator section constitutes64% of the total PSAT Math score and tests a student’s proficiency in Math 31 questions in 45 minutes based on the following topics.

Heart of AlgebraLinear Equation and Inequalities, Polynomials & Factoring, Linear Functions and Functions Notation, etc.Cover 47%
Additional Topics  Area & Volume, Geometrical relationships, Lines, Angles, Triangles, Polygons and Circles, Circle Equation and Graph, Complex Numbers, Trigonometric Functions and Graphs.  Cover 6%
Passport to Advanced Math  Zeros, Factors, and Graph of Polynomials, Radical, Exponential and Fractional Equations, Quadratic Equations and Parabola, Vertex form, Nonlinear System of Equations, etc.Cover 47%

Few Steps to boost PSAT Scores:

  •   Understand Your High-Level Weakness: Content or Time Management.
  • Do a ton of Practice, and Understand Every Single Mistake.
  • If You Have Math content gaps, be ruthless about filling them.
  • Finish With Extra Time and Double Check.
  • Keep a Calm Mind During the Test, No Matter What.

You can see how quickly you can unravel like this. Before you know it, you’re scoring way worse than you ever did on a practice test. If you already know about PSAT and preparing for the upcoming PSAT test, then check the Socrato YouTube channel for Practice Test scoring and diagnostic report

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