Early action (EA) and early decision (ED) deadlines at the majority of colleges are among the most stressful times of the year for many students. After submitting an application and receiving a confirmation email, EA and ED college applicants will receive interview invitations. Some college solely offer on-campus interviews. Others only offer off-campus alumni interviews. Further, a growing number of institutions do now allow for more flexible policies that include Zoom options (most do in 2022-23). Moreover, to know more about EA and ED, revisit our previous blog All About ED and EA Aspirants. Here’s EA and ED interview tips what you should know before the college interview:

  • In order to prepare for an interview, students need to know what kind of interview the college is offering, i.e., an Evaluation Interview or an Informational Interview.
  • Evaluation Interview: It is used by an institution to evaluate a student’s suitability for admission. In the interview process, the interviewer converses with the student, takes notes, and relays all impressions to the admissions committee. The evaluation will be included in the student’s application. Most often, interviewers are admissions officers, but they may also be faculty members or alumni.
  • Informational Interview: The purpose of this interview is to provide the student with information about the institution. It can be a one-on-one meeting with a college representative or a group information session. The interviewer may be a college admissions officer or a college faculty member, alumni, or even a current student.

Top most frequently asked interview questions: Here are some questions that you may encounter on interview day:

  • So, what sparked your interest in our college?
  • What classes, programs, or activities at our college excite you the most?
  • Any particular major you’re interested in pursuing at our college? Why is that?
  • What’s been the most important extracurricular activity to you in high school? Why?
  • What have you liked most about your high school?
  • If you could change one thing about your high school, what would it be?
  • What subject do you enjoy most?
  • What has been your most challenging course during high school? How did you cope with/overcome the challenges associated with this course?
  • What do you consider your proudest achievement so far?
  • What do you like to do for fun?
  • How would you friends describe you?
  • What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?

You should also come with several questions of your own that will help you to learn more about the college and simultaneously demonstrate to your rep that you have done your college research.  Here are some questions that you might consider asking:

  • How does the college help students secure employment and/or prepare for graduate school?
  • Could you talk about the advantages associated with being part of the college’s alumni network?
  • If you could offer one piece of advice to an incoming student, what would that be?
  • How does your college differ from other comparable colleges?
  • What type of career services are available?
  • Where do students land internships?
  • Is it possible to participate in undergraduate research?