Senior year is coming up, and you’re ready to take a last shot at the SAT or ACT before applying to college. But when should you take the test? And how can you ensure that your scores make it to colleges on time?

Test Dates and Deadlines for Junior/Seniors

SAT Test Dates

November 6

Regular registration deadline: October 8

 Late registration deadline: October 26

December 4

Regular registration deadline: November 4

 Late registration deadline: November 23

ACT Test Dates

December 11

Regular registration deadline: November 5

 Late registration deadline: November 19

February 12, 2022

Regular registration deadline: January 7

 Late registration deadline: January 21

When should I take the SAT (or ACT) for the first time as Freshman and Sophomore?

Students should take the ACT for the first time during the fall or winter of their junior year of high school. That allows you to overcome your first-time nerves and prepare for additional tests in the spring and summer of your junior year.

If possible, take either a practice ACT or the PreACT test in 10th grade to become familiar with the types and formats of questions on the ACT. The PreACT will also give you a predictive ACT score which can help you know where to focus.

When should you take the ACT or SAT?

While it is recommended that you take a test twice in junior spring (including mandatory test date, if applicable) and twice in senior fall, this will depend on your circumstances. Consider your academic workload and extracurricular activities. You might not get the score you want if you have a big game the night before the test. Perhaps you’re a member of a performance group, band, debate team, or another activity that has a busy season. While these activities are all beneficial, they may divert your attention away from an upcoming standardized test, so plan accordingly.

What’s Important about ACT Test Dates 

If you haven’t already, check out the upcoming ACT and registration dates. Here are some tips and ACT facts to help you make your decision when to take the ACT.

· Every year, there are usually 7 ACT dates: September, October, December, February, April, June, and July.

· February and June dates are not available in New York state.

· Many states also offer an additional ACT as part of their state testing. Check with your high school to see if and when your state offers a school-day ACT.

· Your school will register you automatically for a state ACT (if offered). You must register yourself for all other administrations.

· Many high schools still recommend taking the ACT in the spring of your junior year because the content of the Math test includes topics some curricula do not cover before then. However, these topics appear in only a handful of questions, and many juniors take their first ACT in the fall or winter.

What’s Important about SAT Test Dates 

Check out the upcoming SAT and registration dates to decide when to take the test then read these SAT facts:

· In the United States, the SAT is given seven times a year: March, May, June, August, October, November, and December.

· Although you may take the SAT any time starting freshman year, most students take it for the first time in the spring of their junior year and possibly retake it in the fall of their senior year.

To check insight into your test prep, check out our youtube channel to score the bubble sheet.

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