In today’s age of Internet-based and mobile phone technology, it’s no surprise that more and more tutors are turning to digital tools to help prepare students for admissions exams. The wide variety of such Internet tools fall under a few general categories. These include tutoring and lectures via webcam, databases to store study material and notes, online study material and practice tests, websites to manage classes of students, and online test performance reports.

Some recently popular applications have included Google Classroom, Google Drive, Dropbox, WebEx, Skype, and Free web whiteboard, in addition to mobile phone and tablet-based apps such as SAT Flashcubes, a test prep app. Most of these technologies share features such as real-time communication between tutor and student from any location, and the use of information in a digital or cloud-based locations that can accessed from anywhere.

What effect has this new technology had on traditional methods of tutoring? One change has been that tutors and students are now able to spend more time studying, exchanging study material, and resolving questions even when they are not in the same physical location. Instead of waiting for the next scheduled appointment, some tutors make themselves available in real-time to answer any questions their students may have.

Online technology has also augmented and enhanced the ways students study, either under a tutor’s guidance or as part of their at-home study time outside of tutoring sessions. Online practice test materials and analytical test performance reports have accelerated the test prep process, and can result in faster tutor-student progress. Students are also able to store and track all of their information on online websites. This technology improves the way tutors and educators manage their classes and keep track of student performance.

Finally, the ability to use webcams to interact means that tutoring can even take place in principle solely over the Internet. In recent years webcam tutoring has become popular across large and even international distances, for example in teaching students to speak the English language. This trend has also been growing for tutoring for standardized exams in the US, and it is now possible to get a tutor’s help with the use of the Internet alone.

In terms of practicality, implementing new technology is usually very useful for tutors and tutoring organizations, especially for small companies that would like to increase their student body. Digital tools allows tutors to more efficiently manage their students, as well as connect with additional students located locally or remotely. Digital tools may also pique the interest of students and allow them to find their study time more interesting.

Why not explore the applications of technology today?


Socrato is a website for scoring and performance reports for standardized admissions test preparation. Socrato reports are available for the SAT, ACT, PSAT, SSAT, HSPT, and many more tests. You can learn more or try for free at

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