High school students work extremely long hours to make their academic profiles strong. The standardized test score is one of the factors in their profile. Some students try to focus on one test but from time to time they do not get the score they would like to get. So, they also decide to prepare for the other test in parallel which is a lot of work. Students have a few more options than struggling through 3 hour-long tests.

In October 2022, both tests will be offered. Students will have the opportunity to take both the test ACT and SAT. They can decide beforehand which test to prepare and which test is designed as per their learning style. So that they can focus on one test and achieve their targeted score. There are few Testing companies that offer combined SAT vs. ACT tests.

Advantages of taking SAT vs. ACT Comparison Test


  • About 1/3 of all students are stronger in one test.
  • Take anytime during high school.
  • Create custom study plan for topics based on diagnostic analysis.
  • Eliminate need for costly and time-consuming prep.


  • Find the preferred test for student’s learning style.
  • Pinpoint student’s subject/topics strength and weaknesses.
  • Create custom study plan for each student.
  • Easily group students based on similar strengths and weaknesses.
  • Get the most out of student effort.

Socrato also offers SAT vs. ACT comparison test where students can take three and half hour’s tests. Students can take the test online or on paper.  Tutors can assign online tests or paper tests to students. The student receives a detailed diagnostic report after completing this test. In addition to test recommendations, the report contains a full score and question analysis of both tests. Check out satactorboth.socrato.com to learn more about the test. Further, you can also Score the SAT Practice test and get a detailed diagnostic report by using the Socrato online bubble sheet grading platform.

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