The ACT exam is on December 9th. December is the most wonderful time of the year for so many reasons: Christmas, winter break, snowball fights, and more. December also marks the last ACT test of the year, and the best test for high school Juniors to take.
High school students have two choices for standardized tests: the SAT or the ACT. Every year over one million high school students and graduates take the American College Test (ACT).
Overview of the ACT The ACT test consists of four multiple-choice sections— English, mathematics, reading, and science—with an optional writing section. Some colleges and universities require or accept ACT writing scores, so you may consider taking the writing section.

Test-Taking Strategies
Each multiple-choice section contains questions with either four or five answers from which you are to choose the correct or best answer.

Tips on how to prepare for a high ACT score
- Prepare a strategy for each section: One should not rely on others to chalk out a plan for their ACT exam preparation. Candidates should understand their strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly to tackle each section in their unique way.
- Don’t leave any questions: There is no negative marking. So, candidates should take chances, even if they are unsure. They might not know the correct answer, but they can cross out the wrong ones to ultimately make an informed guess about the correct answer.
- Decide on a target score: Analyze the cut-offs for previous years to come up with a target score. Aim for that target score even while taking practice tests.
- Use good quality study material: If aspirants are preparing at home, they should ensure that they refer to the best preparation books or material available. Seek help from those who have already achieved a good ACT score.
- Take practice exams: Candidates should take full-length practice exams regularly to check progress and to familiarize themselves with the pattern and instructions for each section.
Taking the Practice Tests
It is a good idea to take the practice tests under conditions as similar as possible to those you will experience on test day. The following tips will help you:
- If taking the ACT (no writing), the four multiple-choice tests require 2 hours and 55 minutes to complete. Take them in order, in one sitting, with a 10- to 15-minute break between Tests 2 and 3.
- You will need only sharpened, soft lead No. 2 pencils and good erasers. Remove all other items from your desk. You will not be allowed to use unapproved scratch paper, but you can use the test booklet to make notes.
- If you plan to use a permitted calculator on the mathematics test, use the same one you will use on test day.
- Use a digital timer or clock to time yourself on each practice test. Set your timer for five minutes less than the time allowed for each test so you can get used to the verbal announcement of five minutes remaining.
- Give yourself only the time allowed for each test.
Socrato provide the More Effective and Efficient Way to Prepare for the ACT.
Student Diagnostic Report
Socrato diagnostic reports for the test come with a series of charts and graphs that provide a detailed analysis of the student’s performance for the test as a whole as well as for each subject area. Our learning analytics software enables students and educators to drill down by topic area to identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses.
Class Diagnostic Reports
Our learning analytics software enables tutors & schools to analyze the performance of a whole class or group of students from a number of dimensions. Class reports include
- Subject areas performance
- Performance by difficulty level, question type
- Score Summary
- Student Comparison
- Pre / Post Comparison
- Question Response Distribution
- and a lot more etc.
Organize Your Bag and Materials the Night Before
Forgetting something important you need is the worst. Don’t fall victim to forgetting something essential like your admissions ticket or calculator. Make a list of what you need and organize your bag the night before, so you don’t have to frantically rush around in the morning. You need to bring:
- A printed admission ticket
- An acceptable photo ID (current, valid ID issued by your state/city/school/government in a plastic card format with your first and last name on it
- An ACT Student Identification Form with a photo if you don’t have an ID like the one described above
- Sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers
- A watch without an alarm that doesn’t make noise
- A permitted calculator
- Snacks to eat on your break
Now that you know how long the ACT test is and what to expect along with some time
management tips, and test-taking strategies we wish you the best of luck on your upcoming